The good things about mini cheesecake is you do not have to slide them before serving as cutting cheesecake is quite a troublesome work to me. Secondly, it is easier as the crust making process can be skipped, substituted by mini marie biscuits or any cookies that is small enough to fit into the baking cup. You can use muffin baking cup or cupcake baking cup or any mini size baking cup as long with paper lining. I first tried by putting a lump of strawberry pie filling on top of the cheese but i found it slightly sank into the cheese after bake. Putting the strawberry pie filling on top of the biscuit worked better. Just use a tooth pick and do a swirl effect after filling the cheese is good enough to get a nice apperance. The disadvantages for this mini size cheesecake is one need quite a number of baking cups. I only have a dozen of baking cups so i took 6 rounds for baking. Plus, you need sometimes to let it cool down a bit before removing the cake from the baking cup for the next refill.
I slightly modified this recipe from
cookingforengineer website.
Prepare Time: 1 hour
Bake Time: 45-1 hour
Serving: 60 pieces and some left overs
Ingredients:Philadelphia cream cheese 1kg
Fine sugar 1 cup
Eggs 4 pieces
Strawberry pie filling 300gram
Mini Marie Biscuits 60 pieces
Instructions:1. Rest cream cheese at room temperature for at lest one hour to ease the later blending process and also to avoid lump.
2. Cut the cream cheese to cubes to fasten the blending process and avoid lump.
3. Beat the cream cheese until smooth and add in sugar and beat until the sugar is fully dissolved in the cheese.
4. Scape down the cream cheese at the mixer side wall.
5. Add in eggs one at a time and beat well. Repeat for all the eggs.
6. Place the paper liner on the muffin cups.
7. Place the biscuits into the muffin cups.
8. Place a teaspoon of strawberry pie filling on the biscuits.
9. Spoon cream cheese mixture into the muffin cups for 3/4 full.
10. Preheat the oven at 175C and add a tray of hot water into the oven (please refer to my first
cheesecake recipe )
11. Bake for 15min. The temperature setting for each oven might be different. For my case, 175C for 15min can totally turn my cheesecake to dark brown color. So, you might fine tune for yours.
12. Let the cheesecakes cool down on the rack and then chill in the fridge.